Recover Muscles After Working Out With These Tips!

Dear friends,

Many of us are eager to dive into Spring and get our bodies moving!

I was moved to offer up some post-workout tips to assist folks with recovery!

Over the years, I've often suffered from soreness, muscle tweaks, etc., and thought I'd share what I've learned from my favorite doctors and trainers.

8 Tips to Recover Muscles After Working Out


1. Hydrate

Most of us need more hydration than we think.

Try Hi Lyte, a liquid electrolyte supplement to add to water.

Add drops of this convenient product to your water. Simple and no extra junk.

I add several drops of these in a small shot of water before a hard workout, and I notice quite a difference during my workout, as well as and my ability to recover.

Fitness Nutrition

2. Collagen

Add this great product to shakes and warm beverages for joint and bone health and integrity!

Recovery After Workout

3. Whey

Biotics Research Whey doesn't have any sugar or additives, and provides the body with the necessary building blocks that are used to build or maintain muscle tissue.

I love mixing it with collagen and alternative milk, and drinking it right after workouts.

Here is an idea for a special shake with whey protein.

Fitness Paleo

4. Proper Sleep

For athletes to recover properly, it's necessary to sleep plenty!

Here are my top tips:

✔️ Have a reliable bedtime routine, and set down the devices a couple of hours before bed as often as possible.

✔️ Add supplements such as standardized chamomile or kava.

✔️ Try a gentle Epsom salt bath to soothe the muscles.

✔️ Get an alarm clock, so you aren't tempted to spend time on your phone.

✔️ Communication late at night can activate the nervous system and cause anxiety. Reading or meditation can be a calming choice before bed.

✔️ Have a bit of healthy fat in the evening such as tea with full-fat coconut milk if anxiety is present. Fat helps our nervous system relax a bit. A few organic almonds or half an avocado also works well.

Paleo Holistic Fitness

5. Branched Chain Amino Acids

Amino Acids are helpful to drink during and after intense exercise. They help promote the growth of lean muscle mass.

This particular formula claims to:

✔️ Support muscle repair and recovery
✔️ Reduce muscle soreness
✔️ Increase energy production
✔️ Promote healthy blood sugar
✔️ Support cardiovascular health
✔️ Strengthen connective tissue


6. Protein Meal

Protein is crucial after a workout!

Drink a solid protein shake (whey, or pea if whey is not tolerated + collagen + alt milk as the base). This will go into your bloodstream quickly and be sent to your muscles.

Get in the habit. Prepare it, and take it to the gym with you, or have it ready to consume with you get home from your dance class or hike. You'll notice a difference when you begin to incorporate this on the regular.

Do your best to have 1 to 2 solid protein + loads of vegetables meals per day, especially post-workout.

Looking for simple and flavorful nutrient-dense recipes? Get my cookbook, Heartful Kitchen: A Cookbook For Every Body.

Recipes are centered on organic meats, responsibly sourced seafood, organic veggies, and healthy fats.

I’ve also included organizational tips, a shopping guide, and easy-to-incorporate solutions to support your busy lifestyle.


7. Epsom Salts

A long Epsom salt bath + deep stretching and rolling out the sore muscles will support you greatly after a hard workout!


8. Infrared Sauna + Cold Shower

Infrared sauna is most helpful, but any sauna is great.

The detoxification process that happens is deeply supportive, and the infrared heat aids with muscle recovery and pain after exercise.